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Historical People

1) Panbai -
     Grand daughter of Patel Landha Kanthad and youngest daughter of Thakarsi Kanthad of village Halapur was impressed by Sadagham and started living in Koday. She was fond of Seva and also like Gandhiji and his public addressing. She was connected to freedom fighting due which she was send to Jail. She was known as ‘NAVAROJI’ of Kutch. She has given good contribution to education in Koday.

2) Asayiabai Unajariya –
     She was president of Koday and child widow. She was cold, satisfactory, religious and motherly lovable person. She was student of Sanskrit. She had given education to ladies of Koday, Navavas and Bidada. She used to encourage ladies by self experience of life.

3) Bharamal Ma-
     She was Kutchhi Dasa Oswal Jain of village Naliya. Malsibhai’s contact made her visit and stay along with her daughters in Koday for religious study.

4) Pachahi Bai -
     She was daughter of younger brother Hansraj bhai of Hemraj bhai. She used to stay and study at Sadagham. Any non educated, wido or unhappily lady from any cover of Koday was brought here by Panchahi Bai.

5) Ran Bai Hirji –
      Originally from Naliya, made Koday as earth. She was very bright and inteeligent from childhood only. She came from wealthly family but detiny made her wido. She came to Sadagham inspired by Bharamal Ma. She had good presentation skill. Conferences and meetings had her strong voice and she was very much respected at Mulund. She has build an Upasarya at Mulund.

6) Jivi Bai –
      Grand daughter of Patel, Kuwarji Devraj. Daughter-in-law of Patel Devji of Widh. She became wido at the age of 16. She would with-stand shook as she was from good family. Mummy bai and Babubai were her inspiration for ‘Tyag’. Independence movement of Gandhiji made her connected to jump into wave of independence movement.

7) Kabubai –
     She was originally from Dumra. She had a education at Sadagham and built a school in Dumra. She had Sangh to Bhadareswar. She decided to be lifetime unmarried and give all the time to charity.

8) Mummy Bai-
      Daughter of Kalyanji Kheraj of Devpur. She attended by thoughts of Shrimat Rajchandra. She had guided ladies to God.

9) Makh Bai-
     A child wido joined Sadagham for studies. She was fond of Swadeshi and used to be fond of Khadhi made by self.

10) Mitha Bai-
     Mithabai Murarji of Lalja came and stayed in Sadagham for study of Sanskrit. She went to Parola for study in Music. She then went to Pondicheery. Shri Arbindo and Meeradevi opened her heart. Mithabai considered Panbai as her mother. She then came to Koday and became teacher in girl’s school and after that became head mistress.

11) Javu Ben-
     She was Daughter of Umai bai Talanathu. Born in a small village – Nani Khakhar. She was married to Monaji Jevath Nagsi of Koday. In short period she became widow. She would forget her sorrow because of Sadagham. She got a new life here. For further study she went to Ahemdabad. A monument was build after her death.

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